Packet MPCP

File: src/common/EPON_messages.msg

C++ definition

(no description)

Usage diagram:

The following diagram shows usage relationships between types. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.

Inheritance diagram:

The following diagram shows inheritance relationships for this type. Unresolved types are missing from the diagram.


EthernetIIFrame (packet)

Ethernet II headers contain a 16-bit EtherType to identify the encapsulated protocol.

Known subclasses:

MPCPGate (packet) (no description)
MPCPRegAck (packet) (no description)
MPCPRegister (packet) (no description)
MPCPRegReq (packet) (no description)
MPCPReport (packet) (no description)


Name Type Description
dest MACAddress
etherType int
ts uint32_t
src MACAddress

MessageId id; -- uncomment for tracing frames

opcode uint16_t

Source code:

packet MPCP extends EthernetIIFrame
    uint16_t opcode;
    uint32_t ts;